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«  Август 2009  »

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Kyiv, August 4 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) is drawing up a resolution on the possible restructuring of commitments on refinancing credits issued to some banks.

The director of the banking regulation and surveillance department at the NBU, Vasyl Pasechnik, reported this to the Dzerkalo Tyzhnia (Mirror Weekly) newspaper.

He said that first commitments of those banks that are linked to the recapitalization (Ukrgasbank, Rodovid Bank, Bank Kyiv, Nadra Bank, Ukrprombank and Finance and Credit Bank) could be restructured.

"At the second stage we'll estimate our abilities, including in money stock growth, and we'll decide on other banks," he said.

Pasechnik also said that the fate of Ukrprombank has not been determined.

He said that the NBU proposed to transfer depositors of Ukrprombank to Oschadbank if the state refuses to recapitalize Ukrprombank. The NBU is ready to issue cash for state domestic loan bonds to be issued to cover the said state commitments.

He noted that the transfer of depositors would not mean the liquidation of Ukrprombank.

"Clearing its balance sheet, we'll get a rather attractive organization for sale, with a well-developed chain and an excellent material base. I think that an investor would be found for it," he said.

He said that buyers are showing serious interest in smaller banks.

"In two cases [National Credit and Arma banks] the owners have been changed, and we'll cancel temporary administrations at them in the near future," he said.

Pasechnik also explained why a scheme for returning of deposits via crediting from the Individuals' Deposit Guarantee Fund by was not being considered by the NBU.

"The assets of the Individuals' Deposit Guarantee Fund currently amount to over UAH 4.5 billion, while Ukrprombank's commitments to depositors are estimated at around UAH 6.8 billion. Simple math shows that a credit of several billions would be needed from the NBU to cover the said commitments and provide for the minimum liquidity of the fund. The credit is to be serviced, and the fund would need funds for this, which it does not have," he said.

In addition, according to the law on guaranteeing deposits, if the fund receives a credit from the NBU, the administrative council of the fund is to introduce a special fee for commercial banks.

"So we'll have to impose additional taxes on the banking system, which is not in the best situation today," he said.
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