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«  Август 2009  »

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Kyiv, August 5 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The Ukrainian cabinet has approved a procedure for assigning star ratings to hotels and other objects that provide temporary accommodation services.

This is stipulated in cabinet resolution No. 803 of July 29, 2009.

The document says that hotels can receive five star, four star, three star, two star and one star ratings. Other objects that provide temporary accommodation services, including motels, boarding houses, recreation centers, hostels and camping centers would receive a category, taking into account the level of services provided in them – first, second, third, fourth and fifth category.

Hotels and other objects are to receive certificates for services they provide under the UkrSEPRO certification system and be evaluated in line with the requirements of certain categories, which is done in line with the rules on the obligatory certification of temporary accommodation services approved by the state committee for technical regulation and consumer policy.

Ukraine's Culture and Tourism Ministry would fulfill the functions of assigning star ratings and categories to hotels and other objects.

The ministry is to create a commission for assigning categories, which would include its representatives and representatives of the state committee for technical regulation and consumer policy and other interested central executive power bodies, certification bodies and representatives of nongovernmental organizations.

In addition, the ministry is to draw up and approve the form of the certificate assigning a star rating or category to hotels, and to register the certificates.

The owners of hotels or their authorized representatives are to send an application for assigning of star rating to the certification body, which decides on the creation of a commission for hotel evaluation, appoints its head and approves its structure.

After the evaluation of the hotel, the certification body is to send documents to the commission for assigning categories, which is to study them within 14 days and decide on the application.

A certificate on assigning a star rating to a hotel is usually issued for no more than three years, but if the hotels have a quality management system, the certificate can be issued for no more than five years.

The value of evaluation work is stipulated in an agreement signed between the customer and the certification body.

Information on the category of a hotel is indicated on a hotel façade, next to its name.

The state committee for technical regulation and consumer policy, other central executive power bodies are to bring legal acts in line with the approved procedure within three months.

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